Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information*The transaction advertised is a lease-purchase agreement. Ownership of leased property will not be acquired until all required lease payments have been made by lessee or an early purchase option is exercised. Example: Own it in 78 weeks for only $19.99 per week, total price paid with Lease-Purchase services after 78 weeks $1,559.22 plus tax or less if exercising an early purchase option. The “total of all payments” does not include sales tax or other charges (such as late fees) that you may incur. Product availability may vary per store. Free-rent offers will not reduce total rent or purchase-option amounts. Ownership is optional. Lease-purchase agreements provide services that are not available to retail customers. Agreement requires verification of residence, income and three personal references, some applicants may not qualify. Delivery and set-up are included and Triad Leasing services and maintains the merchandise while on rent. Some special offers will not reduce the overall cost to own. See store manager for complete details.
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